The Concussion Legacy Foundation is partnering with researchers from Oxford Brookes University and the University of Winchester in the United Kingdom to better understand the experiences of you, the family members and caregivers of those who have suffered from concussion, Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) and CTE.
Many of you met and spoke with the UK research team at this year's Legacy Family Huddle in Orlando. We are thrilled to continue working with this exceptional group of researchers to further expand our knowledge of the concussion and CTE experience.
We hope this will give you the opportunity to tell your story and contribute to vital research on the impact of concussion, PCS and CTE, while helping us better support you and others in a similar situation.
"As we develop our understanding of concussion, PCS and CTE, we really need to start to develop our understanding on how these conditions impact the families and the caregivers," said Dr. Adam White. "We want to hear the stories of mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sisters, partners and other close relatives to start to develop a real picture of how concussion and CTE really affects people's lives."
The research involves an informal online interview via Zoom or another video conferencing software that will be conducted at a time to suit you and will last around one hour. All information will be confidential, and your name and any other identifying data removed so that it is anonymous. More information about the research is available in the information sheet below.
If you would be interested in participating, click here to learn more or contact the Principal Researcher: Dr Adam White
© Copyright Dr Adam John White