Your Voice, Your Say (RFU National Youth Council) 

This report outlines the findings from the Your Voice, Your Say survey conducted by the National Youth Council in 2011. 

Your Voice Your Say - NYC Report 2011 AW.pdf Your Voice Your Say - NYC Report 2011 AW.pdf
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Type : pdf
Schools Report to the Oxfordshire Rugby Football Union (February 2015) 

This report outlines the outcomes from the 2014-2015 county championship in Oxfordshire. 

ORFU Schools Comp Report 2015.pdf ORFU Schools Comp Report 2015.pdf
Size : 3595.919 Kb
Type : pdf
Critical Pedagogy: (Ironically) In a nut shell (PG Cert in Higher Education, University of Winchester) 

This poster is an introduction to the key elements of Critical Pedagogy. 

Critical Pedgagoy Poster - AW Jan 2016.pdf Critical Pedgagoy Poster - AW Jan 2016.pdf
Size : 462.761 Kb
Type : pdf
Published: Poster Presentation - #BanTackling: Why we are calling for a ban of tackling in school rugby

A poster presentation at the Rugby Science Network Conference at the University of Bath (13th and 14th September 2016). 

Member Interests - Letter to England Rugby Schools 

Upon the announcement of the a members interest policy by the England Rugby Football Schools Union, I have written to them asking for clarification and outlining interests. 

Conflict of Interest - Adam White .pdf Conflict of Interest - Adam White .pdf
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Type : pdf